domingo, 14 de janeiro de 2007


her cloths were soaked with mildew,
ropes burned their way
through her fragile thin wrists.
i stood over her
watching to see
if she was going to live or die.
i remember her,
screaming and scratching to my arms
while i was tying her wrists.
behind her back
she was kicking her legs
up and down in my direction,
trying to prevent me from knotting the ropes.
"stop crying",
i screamed in her face,
you took me for granted this time.
"how could you’ve done this to me? "
i said as I punched the ground beside her
until fists were sore and bloody.
"honey, this could’ve all been different
if you had wanted it to be.. "
i gently whispered in her ear.
u don’t care what you want anymore,
this is what i want now,
don’t offer me anything ,
you will be wasting you breath.
- A Life Once Lost, Maudin.

terça-feira, 2 de janeiro de 2007

Psychedelic Drugs Reconsidered

"... a psychedelic drug is one which, without causing psychical addiction, craving, major psysiological disturbances, delirium, disorientation, or amnesia, mor or less reliably produces thought, mood, and perceptual changes otherwise rarely experienced except in dreams, comtemplative and religious exaltation, flashes of vivid involuntary memory and acute psychoses. "

Lester Grinspoon and James B. Bakalar - Psychedelic Drugs Reconsidered