terça-feira, 29 de dezembro de 2009

Temple of Doom

Run. Begin to run.. Run away, far away my jupiter. Far away from me.
In the way of lost responsability, where i can't be pleased.
Where all we have are pictures, images frost from fellings lost.

Divine silver of unholy friends and lost years and weekends and step by step towards the end.


My perceptions are high, slow down flow of panic, relax. Exthasic to the pain of my own blame.

White lines... wide awake. Stand tall and walk away. Another night, another day. Eternal flow of circunstances, no profit, no chances.

The smile of rain, the colour black. Eyes closed tight. Still black, no line in the horizon, no bliss in the sky.

In fortune's fool, slave of my own destiny.

All for me.

terça-feira, 15 de dezembro de 2009

April 19, Bicycle Day

“It happened on a May morning — I have forgotten the year — but I can still point to the exact spot where it occurred, on a forest path on Martinsberg above Baden,” he wrote in “LSD: My Problem Child.” “As I strolled through the freshly greened woods filled with bird song and lit up by the morning sun, all at once everything appeared in an uncommonly clear light.

“It shone with the most beautiful radiance, speaking to the heart, as though it wanted to encompass me in its majesty. I was filled with an indescribable sensation of joy, oneness and blissful security.”

Dr. Hofmann

quarta-feira, 2 de dezembro de 2009

Mute Melodies

Emotions are lights fading away. Cruel as it is, i am alone with myself again, fall down the rainbow, i now see all grey.
Locked inside myself, alone with all this hurt, i am none, the nothing that pleases the rain.

Again and again the story ends and i walk alone. The thought becomes flat as i point towards the end.

In the shape of a loss i let slip between my fingers, i realize i still have no hand.

My heart works in ways i wish i could forget. The hurt, the dark... no words describe.

terça-feira, 11 de agosto de 2009

M enter

"Eu vim com a nação zumbi!
Ao seu ouvido falar, quero ver a poeira subir e muita fumaça no ar.
Cheguei com meu universo e aterriso no seu pensamento,
trago as luzes dos postes nos olhos, rios e pontes no coração.
Pernambuco em baixo dos pés
E minha mente na imensidão!"

terça-feira, 28 de julho de 2009

Beyond the horizon

Perfect mental translation: my depression releases me from my bliss, the desease of the soul is only growing stronger.
The cowards ambition? The miserable’s death?
Hold the moon above your knee and you’ll see :)

Walk above thin ground. If we don't share the horizon, look beyond me.
Be free.

Nevermind this.
Tits and Acid and all sounds are fantastic.
This is freedom , i have found my relief.
I have found God in me and i believe.

There is a open hand for each one of us
There is a open door for each one of us

I want to forever fall asleep with you, sleeping into a coma for you.
All existence is meaningless. All for you.
Find what you seek, measure serenity in miniature trees.
All existence is meaningless
A testament of meditation.

I feel happy as long as i feel close to the bottom.


For you.

Only for you i walk alone, arguing with myself against the abscence of discussion.
Each step the thought becomes stronger. Determined.
For this is the word, and it becomes action. The most sacred purpose, the curse of our satisfaction.

You gave me nothing and it still holds for a moment, enought time for me to see it fade away.
How sad it is to love alone. A burden i wish no one.
Son of captivity, i'm the bright in the darkness of your world, every time you close the door and shine a light.

I still find your body in every random corner, as all others do... Hollow as the demon that you invited to your bed.

Again i find myself smilling at emptyness, waiting for the hope of a new dawn. Perpetual ambition of restart.
The sunshine that lights the pad of my solitude, it keeps me walking through the beauty of life, with all it’s scars and broken things.
I am every question without answer and still i drown myself in the beauty that only your hands hold.
Words without meaning. A action without purpose..

Why can i just fade away like i always do?
How can your warmth be so cold?

You don’t need to justify denial, it ends within a birth of a glow..

The less i get, the more i want.

segunda-feira, 6 de julho de 2009


So here we are, falling down into oblivium. To begin the end with a thought, permanent dejá vu. Forever in love with you.

Take the hook, a first choise that will forever pervail. But she knows who's holding the line, so i pull the string until she is mine and sweat comes with this need for as long as we can. Pleasure is our demand as we colour our frienship for the end. The longest thought that leads to nowhere... and i am left there. Alone.
The memories that keep warm are the same that get me lonely. Solitude as a friend. I am rust.
All rust. In the star dust.
All on the fellings that i lost in the trail of trust.
I got no need to think in heaven. I'm the Perfect eleven, the portrait of the longest shadow.

Star dust.. So beautifull in love. It is as i prefer in the star dust..

We're we go. Run with us.

domingo, 28 de junho de 2009

One trip in love

Life exists in all the colours of your thoughts. My shinning rainbow, heart of my soul.

Your name, perfect mantra in a single word.

Breath of meditation, beat of all life.

The one love i pursue.

All hope in you.

Manifestações da própria vontade

"Viu a morte chegar sem esperar nela a vida, viu a vida passar sem que esperasse nela a morte"

Eu sou fácil de afastar, basta que ninguém se aproxime.

É nesse sentido que esqueço o passado e perco a crença no futuro. Vivo assombrado pela minha própria capacidade de me confundir, constantemente questionándo-me se estou correcto, abalando os próprios pressupostos da minha existência.

Se me sinto envergonhado do que sou e do que faço, porque não mudar? Avalio o meu carácter atráves da minha capacidade de me levantar do chão onde me sinto confortável.. Não há nada mais forte que a vontade que o pensamento carrega.

terça-feira, 16 de junho de 2009


The taste of nicotine and vodka, I'm craffting signs with the joy of the sun in the depps of my eyes.
Crawling weak into the vacuum of events.. you gold glitter!
This halo shines for sex and magic.

The stains of reflection. We are the brightness of long distante stars.
Ghost machine, phantoms of desire.

I urge to become the light capable of all thing.
Illumination of the precarious nature of human beings.
I see it all around. We all implode in bliss with God on our lips.
Doubt is the cradle for disbelief and the sun is hostile in it’s embrace.
We bloom into all the colours of life..

The aging of the end. The map of dreams for last.

Azo & Benfentoria

Sou mestre de etnias distintas, a magia indigena de selvas e cor, o sonho forjado pelo amor, o fragmento de divindade, a vida que é som, imagem e amizade.
Estou perfeitamente mais interessado na minha viagem do que na viagem de outros.
No entanto, a viagem dos outros é grande parte do que me faz viajar.

Sou incandescente num momento exclusivo em que partilho o que sou. Amor é deus sentado na palma da tua mão, a batida do teu coração, o ritmo da vida, num calor ardente..
E fujo parado pelas profecias do pecado, na tentação do desabafo, na derradeira conclusão.

Na suave superficie da noite, sou o sinonimo do vazio. A opulência do desejo.
No completo da unidade, disfarçado de imaginação clandestina.
Completo extâse de eficiência. Sou escravo da vontade, transparente no sentimento que move a maquinaria corroída pela verdade.

Amor ilimitado. O infinito é nosso.

"As coisas mais belas são ditadas pela loucura e escritas pela razão"

André Gide

quarta-feira, 10 de junho de 2009


Unable of staying conscious in the morning sleep, I'm the wish of change in the womb of a new day.
The genesis of love, in my tongue.
Bath with concern, death in return.

Only those who carry the burden knows the weight is heavy.

The shell of motion becoming the breathe through which i suffocate. In the garden with no flowers, lies the seed of infertility.
The fog hides the consciousness of thought.
I move, i choke. Death in return.

Mescaline in the forehead of buddha. Pull from the sky the moon of sorrow.
Burry deep the light so there´s no tomorrow.


" de sobrolho erguido, desafio friamente os milhares que me apontam o dedo;

de cabeça baixa, torno-me de bom grado o búfalo da criança."

All is bliss inside of me. All is Bliss.

King Nothing

Without hope.
Without prays.
I stare. Without eyes.

Without eyes i stare, without hope i pray, without light i shine.

Without light i pray for hope to shine....

So be prepared.

The view belongs to everyone

I ride the winds that implode, begging to the moon for the sun to come soon.
As always patient, i stare at forever while flowers choke with the taste of your speech.
Mutting everlong.

I was clay...

We loved but love never came and now we hide our hearts in shame.
Nothing I have ever dreamed, nothing as it seemed.
To become an eternal monument of regret, i forgive and forget.

I'm sorry if there's no turning back...

In bloom of the end, infinite understand?
Nothing yet. Lips bounded till death.

But i howl at the darkeness with hope. The sound will carry this spark to the light of beyond.
I've been labeled property of an angel.

God is love. Do you believe?

sábado, 6 de junho de 2009


"Yakuza quer dizer 8 ("ya), 9 ("ku), 3 ("za") em japonês. No popular jogo de cartas Oicho-Kabu - que é o equivalente ao Blackjack, ou Vinte e Um -, isso representa uma má mão. Não se ganha nada com ela. É por isso que Yakuza é o nome que se usa cá fora mas não lá dentro. Eles não gostam. A origem destes grupos vem do século XVII, sendo que a maioria dos membros são "burakumin", ou seja, descendentes de uma casta baixa do Japão antigo, a dos homens que desempenhavam tarefas impuras relacionadas com a morte, como carrascos ou curtidores de peles. "

terça-feira, 17 de março de 2009


Se eu tivesse tudo o que eu queria na vida, a vida não teria nada para nós oferecer.

If I had everything I wanted in life, life would not have anything to offer us.